Breast Health

Safe Estrogen - Voted Book of the Year 2004 by the American Breast Cancer Prevention Foundation

Reduce Your Breast Cancer Risk by 90%

We highly recommend that every woman read this book to learn about ways that they can greatly reduce their risk of developing breast cancer.

Dr Edward Conley, the author of this excellent book outlines simple steps you can take to reduce your risk of breast cancer by up to 90%. In this book, he recommends using and Estriol to control the effects of stronger (bad) estrogens and estrogen mimics referred to as xenoestrogens, as well as progesterone and a number of high quality supplements including: DIM, Calcium D-Glucarate, Curcumin, Melatonin, Vitamin D3, plus a good probiotic.


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Preventing Breast Cancer

The medical community has known for years that the prescribed estrogens, used in oral contraceptives and post-menopausal estrogen replacement therapies*, increase the risk of breast cancer. In 1997, several leading medical journals published clinical studies proving that the use of prescribed estrogen* causes cancer. This information has led many women to choose to avoid synthetic estrogen. (*patented estrogen supplements icluding estradiol, estrone and horse estrogens for example)

Now however, evidence is surfacing that indicates that there are "estrogen mimics" in the environment that are also increasing the risk of breast cancer. These substances, known as xenoestrogens, mimic the action of estrogen once they get into the body.
They include pesticides, such as DDT, herbicides, and plastics, which leach into our food and water from plastic wrap and plastic bottles that water, soda and baby's formula are stored in.

Once these compounds are in the body, they wreak havoc in several ways. First they bond with estrogen receptors in the same way that estrogen does. After attaching to the receptors, they transmit a message that tells breast cancer cells to grow. Second, estrogen signals the release of a chemical known as "tumor growth factor". They also cause the number of receptor cells to proliferate. Once activated, they stimulate breast cancer cell growth, thus contributing to several of cancer's mechanism.

Scientists have estimated that 50 to 95 percent of cancers are caused by diet and environment; xenosetrogens are present in both for most women. They are very common in paints, textiles, paper products, pesticides, herbicides, plastics and plastic wraps. Some of the highest levels come from detergents that are used heavily and end up in municipal water supplies. And they migrate into foods from packaging.

What can you do about "estrogen overload"?

Your body tries to detoxify by removing these foreign estrogens from your body. To do this, the liver attaches a heavy molecule, called a glucuronide to the estrogen compound and it is carried out of the liver and into the bile and down to the gut. But intestinal bacteria make an enzyme that rips the glucurinide conjugate off the estrogen. Then the estrogen is free to be absorbed back into the body, beginning the damaging process all over again. Calcium D-Glucarate prevents this enzyme from ripping the glucuranide off the estrogen, so that it is able to move on through the bowel and out of the body.

There are several ways you can control the amount of estrogen that is reabsorbed into your bloodstream. The first is obvious; reduce your exposure to xenoestrogens by eliminating as many toxic chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, and plastics from your environment as you can.
Second, cut down or eliminate meat from your diet because it increases the level of the enzyme that rips the estrogen loose in the gut.

Also eat at least 2 vegetables from the cruciferous family every day, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli & brussels sprouts. A supplement that has been very effective for this purpose, especially if you can't eat lots of cruciferous vegetables, is DIM, described above, an extract from these.

Other important things that you can do are:
1. Use DIM to balance the hormones and keep foriegn estrogens from attaching to the receptor sites.
2. Take Calcium D-Glucarate. This prevents the enzyme from ripping the glucuranide off the estrogen, and helps to keep it moving through the bowel.

For the latest information on Cancer, don't miss this interview by Mike Adams with Suzanne Somers, author of "Knockout"
Be sure to listen to the Podcast